Tag: Computing
Getting in on the game
Increasingly, organisations are using entertaining ways to train and motivate their employees.
How AI threatens white-collar jobs
In the beginning, technology eliminated many clerical tasks. Now the danger is extending to positions that require a high level of skill.
A brief history of photonics
The foundations of this new technology were laid more than 150 years ago.
Displays of the future
From LCD televisions to the latest force-sensitive touchscreen technology, electronics and photonics are pushing the envelope ever outward.
Harnessing optics to handle the data crunch
Photonics may hold the answer to coping with huge volume. But a big challenge remains: converting electronic data into light on silicon chips.
Building circuits of light
Move over, electrons. Ton Backx and his team are putting photons front and center as they lay the groundwork for the coming era of photonics.
Medicine: the debate over Big Data
Should doctors have access to huge datasets? The potential to improve healthcare is obvious, but privacy remains equally important.
The double-edged promise of AI
Some people fret that artificial intelligence will end civilization as we know it, others believe it can solve every problem.
Power to the people
Citizen science relies on the public’s curiosity and enthusiasm – not to mention computing capacity – to supplement the work of scientists.
Life after Skype
Estonian programmer Jaan Tallinn helped create the file-sharing application Kazaa and then the famous video-call system. Now he wants to save the world.
Take it, use it, change it, create
You no longer need to be an electronics wizard to build sophisticated devices. “Makers” like the four profiled on these pages are unleashing their creativity thanks to Raspberry Pi and Arduino boards.