Category: Life & Health
Time to rethink the meaning of work
Automation has already eliminated numerous tasks, and now artificial intelligence will add to the carnage. Humans may have to reconsider their obsession with labour.
Getting in on the game
Increasingly, organisations are using entertaining ways to train and motivate their employees.
How AI threatens white-collar jobs
In the beginning, technology eliminated many clerical tasks. Now the danger is extending to positions that require a high level of skill.
The turbulent world of technological unemployment
Labour-saving advances usually increase both jobs and wages, but the unequal path of change can cause major friction.
Making labour less laborious
Childbirth may be the most important event in a mother’s life, but it can also be the most traumatic. Technology can help.
The debate over C-sections
The procedure has advantages as well as downsides. Science can help mothers decide what is best for them.
CRISPR scissors editing embryos
Genetic engineering is developing on human embryos, raising both hopes and ethical concerns.
Cryopreservation: a new miracle?
Women who want to delay their pregnancies can now freeze their eggs effectively and safely. But success is not guaranteed.
Europe’s shortage of children
Births are falling across the continent – although not in France. Why do women working in tech have fewer kids? And why are there more premature births?
Engineering healthier humans
Drawing on their knowledge of algorithms, design and materials, engineers can help improve healthcare in many arenas.
Medicine: the debate over Big Data
Should doctors have access to huge datasets? The potential to improve healthcare is obvious, but privacy remains equally important.
Life-saving lessons
Linking engineering and medicine has led to better diagnostics, drugs and treatments. But it’s not always easy to collaborate successfully.
Avoiding the sound of silence
With Europe’s ageing population, hearing loss will become a major concern for public health. A new generation of technologies can slow the process.
How noise kills
Sound pollution has become one of the main health hazards in European cities. New technologies may provide some solutions.
A new frontier for artificial intelligence
Using algorithms to process sound is a booming field. Here are four promising innovations.
Sound from all directions
The latest innovations provide listening experiences that are more immersive than ever. Some technologies even use bones to transmit sound.
The connected athlete
Amateurs can now enhance their performance and their health by using wireless devices and biosensors that monitor behaviour, environment and physiology.
New materials for new records
Aluminium, carbon and even bamboo: sport results today depend highly on the materials.
Ending the pain
Computer simulations and data analysis can now help prevent injuries, while individual prostheses hasten the recovery process.
Why we don’t sleep
Bad nights are disruptive to a person’s life. Fortunately, scientists are constantly learning more about the causes.